Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Harpoon. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Harpoon. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2021

Taiwan: Ni un paso atrás

El pasado 1 de octubre, China envió 38 aviones militares al ADIZ (Air defense Identification Zone) de Taiwán, coincidiendo con el aniversario de la fundación de la República Popular ChinaLa respuesta de Taipei no se hizo esperar: varios aviones de combate fueron desplegados en señal de advertencia, al tiempo que el primer ministro Su Tseng-chang emitía un comunicado advirtiendo a la comunidad internacional: "China se muestra belicosa y está contribuyendo a dañar la paz regional con estos actos de intimidación"Lejos de contenerse, China repitió sus actos intimidatorios al día siguiente enviando un total de 39 aviones militares al ADIZ.

Las incursiones militares chinas en el ADIZ de Taiwán son cada vez más frecuentes, y por ello no es de extrañar que el Pentágono haya otorgado en fechas recientes a Boeing un contrato de 220 millones de dólares para comenzar a trabajar en la entrega del sistema de defensa costera de misiles antibuque Harpoon a TaiwánTambién debe tenerse en cuenta que los eventos tienen lugar en un momento en que dos portaaviones de la US Navy se encuentran en el Mar de China Meridional, con el portaaviones HMS Queen Elizabeth de la Royal Navy  en ruta hacia la región.

¿Qué es el Harpoon?

El Harpoon es un sistema de misil antibuque desarrollado y fabricado en los Estados Unidos originalmente por McDonnell Douglas, ahora Boeing Integrated Defense SystemsEste misil utiliza un sistema de guiado de búsqueda activa por radar y sigue una trayectoria de crucero a nivel de mar para mejorar la supervivencia y efectividad.

Existen varias versiones de este misil en función de sus plataformas de lanzamiento: El AGM-84 para lanzamiento desde el aire, el RGM-84 para lanzamiento desde buques de superficie, el UGM-84 para lanzamiento desde submarinos, y el AGM-84E SLAM para lanzamiento desde batería costera.

jueves, 6 de agosto de 2020

Australia apuesta por el AGM-158C LRASM como alternativa al Harpoon

A principios de julio, el primer ministro australiano Scott Morrison y la ministra de Defensa Linda Reynolds publicaron el Plan de Actualización Estratégica de Defensa 2020.

¿Qué describe esta Actualización?

La Actualización, el primer documento importante de política de defensa desde el Libro Blanco de Defensa de 2016, describe la dirección estratégica y las inversiones necesarias en la política de defensa y seguridad de Australia para la próxima década.

¿Qué marca esta Actualización?

La Actualización marca lo que muchos llaman un momento decisivo en la política estratégica australiana, ya que el documento señala la necesidad de cambios más rápidos y decisivos en la preparación y capacidad militar de Australia. A través de la asignación de 270.000 millones de dólares australianos en los próximos diez años para la adquisición de defensa y un mayor compromiso con los vecinos del Indo-Pacífico, la Actualización describe las acciones a través de las cuales Australia pretende controlar mejor un entorno estratégico que se está deteriorando ante el avance militar de China.

¿Cuál es el "Leit-Motiv" de la Actualización?

Durante el acto de presentación de la Actualización en Canberra, el Primer Ministro Morrison proporcionó una evaluación sombría del entorno estratégico que rodea la publicación del documento, al prever "un mundo post-COVID que es más pobre, más peligroso y más desordenado". La actualización señala un entorno estratégico notablemente diferente y cada vez más hostil al descrito en el Libro Blanco de Defensa de 2016, con las principales potencias militares cada vez más asertivas en la región y llevando a cabo actividades coercitivas que elevan la frecuencia de conflictos y el nivel de tensión.

¿Hacia dónde señala esta Actualización?

La Actualización señala hacia lo que algunos han sugerido como un retorno a la llamada doctrina de la "defensa de Australia" de mediados de la década de 1970, priorizando la planificación estratégica en las islas del Pacífico y Indo-Pacífico o lo que la Actualización considera como la "región inmediata" de Australia. Dentro de esta región, Australia ha reemplazado los objetivos estratégicos del Libro Blanco de Defensa de 2016 por tres nuevos objetivos: dar forma al entorno estratégico de Australia al profundizar el compromiso con otras naciones del Indo-Pacífico, disuadir las acciones contra los intereses australianos y responder a las amenazas con una fuerza militar creíble.

¿Qué refuerza la Actualización?

Como en casi todos los Libros Blancos y documentos de políticas que datan de mediados de la década de 1970, la Actualización refuerza la importancia de la alianza de Australia con Estados Unidos y la protección que brinda su arsenal nuclear. Sin embargo, parte de la excesiva dependencia militar de Washington al indicar que Australia asumirá "una mayor responsabilidad por nuestra propia seguridad" y "aumentará su capacidad de autosuficiencia para producir efectos disuasorios". Y para desarrollar las capacidades de disuasión de Australia, el Plan de actualización estratégica militar publicado junto con la Actualización, proporciona un impulso significativo al presupuesto militar, que representa actualmente el 2% del PIB de Australia.

¿De qué cantidad estamos hablando?

Para 2030, la Actualización señala que el presupuesto militar totalizará 575 mil millones de dólares australianos, En cuanto a su destino, lo prioritario será la modernización del armamento convencional obsoleto, donde una de las mejoras más destacadas va a ser la adquisición de misiles antibuque de largo alcance AGM-158C para equiparlos en la flota australiana de aviones F/A-18 Super Hornet. Los misiles reemplazan el viejo sistema de misiles Harpoon introducido hace casi cuatro décadas pues mientras que los Harpoon ofrecen un alcance de 124 km, los AGM-158C ofrecen un alcance de 370 km. También se destaca la inversión en cohetes de largo alcance y sistemas de artillería móvil, así como en misiles hipersónicos. La actualización también incluye disposiciones fuera de las armas convencionales, especialmente en capacidad espacial, ciberseguridad, sistemas de guerra electrónica y tecnologías emergentes, así como inversiones para actualizar la red de radares sobre el horizonte de Jindalee.

¿Cómo ha reaccionado China a la Actualización?

Si bien la actualización se ha recibido con el apoyo político interno bipartidista y una amplia bienvenida de muchos de los vecinos australianos en el Indo-Pacífico, la Actualización ha sido recibida con sospechas por parte de Beijing. La relación de Australia con China está en su punto más bajo en años, y el impulso de Canberra para una investigación internacional sobre el manejo de la pandemia COVID-19 ha desencadenado una disputa hostil entre las dos naciones. La actualización sugiere que Australia ha descartado ya su hasta ahora cuidadoso equilibrio económico y estratégico con Beijing y está más dispuesto a oponerse a las actividades chinas que puedan contravenir las leyes y normas internacionales. Este enfoque más asertivo puede hacer que la relación bilateral ya inestable se deteriore aún más, lo que tendrá un efecto importante a corto plazo para las industrias australianas que dependen de China. Es probable que la tensión futura se intensifique hasta la imposición de medidas económicas punitivas en la línea de los aranceles impuestos por China a las exportaciones de cebada australianas en mayo, y que tales acciones generen importantes impactos económicos a corto plazo.

¿Qué puede hacer Australia para evitar el impacto económico?

Australia ha reconocido su vulnerabilidad y hay medidas para comenzar a desacoplarse parcialmente de China y diversificar sus relaciones económicas y comerciales, incluido un acuerdo de libre comercio firmado recientemente con Indonesia. Los encargados de la formulación de políticas también están buscando un compromiso militar y estratégico más profundo con la India, que está comenzando a expresar sus preocupaciones sobre el expansionismo territorial chino. Mientras que a corto plazo Australia seguirá siendo vulnerable a las acciones punitivas de China, a largo plazo el impacto de tales acciones podría disminuir. 

sábado, 11 de abril de 2020

Tense calm in the Taiwan Strait

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS McCampbell (DDG-85) armed with Tomahawk and Harpoon missiles, transited the Taiwan Strait earlier this week, eliciting a terse response from Chinese military officials.

The guided-missile destroyer conducted what was described as “a routine Taiwan Strait transit” on Wednesday 8th in accordance with international law, Lt. Anthony Junco, a spokesperson for U.S. 7th Fleet, told in an email: “The ship’s transit through the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the U.S. commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific,” Junco said. “The U.S. Navy will continue to fly, sail and operate anywhere international law allows.”

McCampbell’s transit through the narrow body of water separating Taiwan from mainland China is the third such transit this year by a U.S. Navy vessel: Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville (CG-62) transited the strait in February and USS Shiloh (CG-67) performed a similar trip in January. On Thursday, following McCampbell’s transit, Senior Colonel Ren Guoqiang, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense’s spokesman, issued a statement calling the transit “was very dangerous and said it sent the wrong message to Taiwan secessionists.”

Ren added McCampbell’s transit was part of a years-long effort by the U.S. to spy on China’s marine and air space and near People’s Liberation Army ships and aircraft: “The provocative actions by the U.S. has damaged China’s security interests and has endangered the lives of front-line soldiers and their equipment. They constitute a serious violation of international laws on freedom of navigation and are the root cause of problems between China and the U.S. on maritime security,” Ren’s statement said. “We will absolutely not allow any foreign forces to play the Taiwan card, and will not tolerate any attempts of secession. The PLA has the will, confidence and capability to thwart all secession efforts and safeguard the nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

US missile cruiser enters Black Sea again

The Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Vella Gulf (CG 72) entered the Black Sea on Wednesday as part of the effort to strengthen the collective security of NATO allies and partners in the region, according to a statement by the US 6th Fleet.

The vessel’s weapons include SM-2 surface-to-air missiles, Harpoon anti-ship missiles, Tomahawk cruise missiles, torpedoes, Phalanx Close-in Weapons Systems for self-defense against aircraft and missiles, and five-inch, rapid fire guns.

sábado, 5 de julio de 2014

YJ-12: A big headache for US Navy

Robert Haddick, an American military analyst, unveiled recently why the PLA YJ-12 missile may be "the most dangerous threat to the US Navy". Among other reasons, Haddick mentions the maximum range as one of the key points to bear in mind, because the YJ-12 has an operational maximum range around 400 kilometers. This range represents really a threat, due to the SM-6 has a range of 240 kilometers, and the Harpoon has 315 kilometers, depending on the launching platform. 

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domingo, 29 de diciembre de 2013

Taiwan acquires submarine-launched Harpoon missiles

The United States has begun delivery of submarine-launched Harpoon missiles this year, Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense has said in a report to the Legislative Yuan. The deal includes 32 UGM-84L sub-launched Harpoon Block II missiles along with two UTM-84L exercise missiles and two weapon control systems. (Read more)

viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

BrahMos will cement India’s place as missile powerhouse

India’s successful test-launch of the nuclear-capable, intercontinental, surface-to-surface ballistic missile, Agni-V on September 15, 2013, following the April 2012 launch of the 5,000 kms range version of the same Agni-5 by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is again a significant achievement.

DRDO’s inventory of missiles coupled with the versions of BrahMos missiles places India in the top league with China, France, Russia, the US, Britain and IsraelOn February 19, 2013, BrahMos Aerospace celebrated “Aardhik Diwas” — Partnership Day — to commemorate 15 years of missile making. “BrahMos is a formidable weapon system. It has offered more punch and strike capability for the three services. We owe it all to Dr A.S. Pillai, CEO & MD, BrahMos Aeropsace and Dr A.G. Leonov, director general, NPOM. It is because of the zeal and enthusiasm of Dr Pillai that we have reached this stage,” remarked Air Chief Marshal N.A.K. Browne, Air Chief and Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee.

Coined as a combination of Brahmaputra and Moscva rivers, this is a versatile supersonic cruise missile system launchable from submarines, ships, aircraft or land, which was successfully accomplished by 2006. At speeds of Mach 2.5 to 2.8, it is the world’s fastest cruise missile, about three and a half times faster than the American subsonic Harpoon cruise missile. BrahMos, with a maximum range of 290 km, can attack surface targets by flying as low as 10 metres over surface-level and can gain a speed of Mach 2.8. The ship-launched and land-based missiles can carry a 200 kg warhead, whereas the aircraft-launched variant, BrahMos A, can carry a 300 kg warhead. The high speed of the BrahMos likely gives it better target-penetration characteristics than lighter subsonic cruise-missiles such as the Tomahawk.

Being twice as heavy and almost four times faster than the Tomahawk, the BrahMos has more than 32 times the on-cruise kinetic energy of a Tomahawk missile, although it carries only 3/5th the payload and a fraction of the range despite weighing twice as much, which suggests that the missile was designed with a different tactical role. Its Mach 2.8 speed means that it cannot be intercepted by some existing missile defence systems and its precision makes it lethal to water targets or those in a cluster.

Main Milestones


  • BrahMos was first test-fired on June 12, 2001 from the Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur, in a vertical launch configuration.


  • On March 5, 2008, the land attack version of the missile was fired from the destroyer INS Rajput and the missile hit and destroyed the selected target amidst a cluster of targets.
  • The missile was vertically launched on December 18, 2008, from INS Ranvir.


  • On March 4, 2009, BrahMos was tested again with a new navigation system, found successful and then test-fired yet again on March 29, 2009. For this test, the missile had to identify a building among a cluster of buildings in an urban environment. It successfully hit the intended target within two-and-a-half minutes of launch. What made a quantum difference was the new “seeker,” considered unique and capable of seeking targets, which may be insignificant in terms of size, in a cluster of large buildings. India is now the only nation in the world with this advanced technology. After the third test, the Indian Army confirmed that the test was extremely successful and approved the missile. This marked the completion of development phase of BrahMos Block-II.


  • On March 21, 2010, BrahMos was test-fired and struck a free-floating ship piercing it above the waterline and destroying it completely. The test proved the missile’s manoeuvrability at supersonic speed before hitting a target, making India the first and only country to have a manoeuvrable supersonic cruise missile.
  • On September 5, 2010, BrahMos created a world record for being the first cruise missile to be tested at supersonic speeds in a steep-dive mode, achieving the Army’s requirement for land attacks with Block-II “advanced seeker software” along with “target discriminating capabilities.” BrahMos became the only supersonic cruise missile possessing advanced capability of selection of a particular land target amongst a group of targets, providing the user with an important edge of precision without collateral damage.
  • The Block III version of the missile was successfully test-fired on December 2, 2010, from ITR, Chandipur, with advanced guidance and upgraded software, incorporating high manoeuvres at multiple points and steep dive from high altitude. The steep dive capability of the Block III enables it to hit targets hidden behind a mountain range.

On August 12, 2011, it was test-fired by ground forces and met all mission parameters.


  • On March 4, 2012, it was test-fired by an Indian Army unit at the Pokharan range in Rajasthan to operationalise the second regiment of the weapon system in the Army. With this test, attended by top brass including vice chief Lt. Gen. Shri Krishna Singh and Director General Military Operations (DGMO) Lt. Gen. A.K. Chaudhary, the second BrahMos unit of the Indian Army became operational.
  • On October 7, 2012, the Indian Navy successfully test-fired BrahMos from the guided missile frigate INS Teg. This new highly manoeuvrable version was fitted with advanced satellite navigation systems turning it into a “super-rocket” capable of hitting targets over 300–500 km from sea, land and air launchers, and capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.


  • The submarine-launched variant of Brahmos was test fired successfully for the first time from a submerged pontoon near Visakhapatnam at the coast of Bay of Bengal on 20 March 2013. This was the first vertical launch of a supersonic missile from a submerged platform. The missile can be launched from a depth of 40 to 50 meters.

Future developments

  • The purchase of over 200 air-launched BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles for the IAF was cleared by Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) on October 19, 2012, at the cost of `6,000 crore ($1 billion). This includes funds for the integration and testing of the BrahMos on IAF’s Su-30MKI. Two Su-30MKI modified by the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited at its Nashik facility where they will also be integrated with the missile’s aerial launcher. The trial is expected to be conducted in early 2014.
  • Under development is a smaller variant of the air-launched BrahMos, to arm the Sukhoi Su-30MKI, Mirage 2000, future induction like the 126 Dassault Rafale, and the Indian Navy’s MiG-29K. A model of the new variant was showcased on 20 February 2013, at the 15th anniversary celebrations of BrahMos Aerospace. This smaller version is three metres shorter than the present missile will also have a range of 290 km. The Sukhoi SU-30MKI will carry three missiles while other combat aircraft will carry one each. BrahMos is reportedly attempting a hypersonic Mach 8 version of the missile, BrahMos II, the first ever hypersonic cruise missile, expected to be ready soon. Former President of India, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has reportedly recommended to BrahMos Aerospace to develop an advanced hypersonic version of the BrahMos cruise missile to maintain India’s lead in the field.

martes, 2 de julio de 2013

Anti-Ship missiles: A brief look


Despite the many lightweight (under a ton) anti-ship missiles on the market, the Norwegian NSM still gets sales because it is effective, reliable, and affordable. It is also offered for use on ships, aircraft, and on trucks (as part of a mobile coastal defense system). The 409 kg (900 pound) NSM anti-ship missile has a 125 kg (275 pound) warhead and a range of 185 kilometers. NSM uses GPS and inertial guidance systems, as well as a heat imaging system (and a database of likely targets) for picking out and hitting the intended ship. Norwegian manufacturer Kongsberg allows buyers to easily install their own radar and control systems. There is lots of competition, the main ones being the U.S. Harpoon and similar missiles from Russia and China.

The Russian Kh-35 anti-ship missile is similar to the American Harpoon but lighter (610 kg/1,340 pounds, compared to 728 kg/1,600) and has less range (130 kilometers compared to 224 for the latest version of Harpoon). The Kh-35 (also known as the SS-N-25 or Switchblade) can be fired from helicopters, aircraft, ships, or shore batteries.

China sells a lot of C-801 and C-802 anti-ship missiles. The C-801 is 5.81 meters (18 feet) long, 360mm in diameter, has a max range of 42 kilometers, and weighs 636 kg (1,400 pounds) each. The C-801 is similar to the French Exocet and is believed to have been based on that missile. The C802A is a 6.8m (21 foot) long, 360mm diameter, 682kg (1,500 pound) missile, with a 165kg (360 pound) warhead. The C802 has a max range of 120 kilometers and moves along at about 250 meters a second.

The French Exocet missile is the same size and performance but costs twice as much (over a million dollars each, but the manufacturer is known to be flexible on pricing). The new Exocet MM Block 3 has twice the range (180 kilometers) because of their turbojet engine. This is a 670 kg (1,500 pound) missile that has been around for over three decades, has been proven in combat, and is known to be reliable. The C802 is known to be less capable than the Exocet but it looks similar.

Russia pioneered the use of larger (up to three ton) supersonic “carrier killer” anti-ship missiles. The most common example is the Yakhont, which is an 8.9 meter (27.6 foot) long, three ton missile with a 300 kg (660 pound) warhead. Russia has been building missiles like this since the 1970s, but they are only popular with the few nations that have a need to destroy American aircraft carriers.