Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta LRASM. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta LRASM. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 3 de enero de 2021

¿Does America Have Any Hope Of Defeating Chinese And Russian A2/AD?

On March 7, 2019 defense analysts from the Rand Corporation told a panel, “In our [war]games, when we fight Russia and China, blue [the U.S. and its allies] gets its ass handed to it.”  The scenarios were defenses of the Baltics and Taiwan from invasions by Russia and China, respectively. In both cases, Russia and China leveraged long-range cruise and ballistic missiles to sink U.S. ships hundreds of miles away at sea, destroy forward air bases that short-range F-35 stealth fighters depend upon, and interdict airspace against non-stealth aircraft.

Basically, the analysts think the U.S. needs a larger supply surface-strike missiles to threaten enemies at long range; and a much larger capacity to defend against incoming long-range missiles with counter-missiles. On the offense side, promising new long-range strike weapons include the LRASM anti-ship missile, the stealthy JASSM-ER cruise missile and the Army’s multi-faceted Long-Range Precision Fire program. On the defense side, the Army’s maneuver short-range air defense program and the Navy’s SM-3 and SM-6 offer promising force protection capabilities.

However, just a few days earlier the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI) released the report ‘Bursting the Bubble?’ arriving at a very different conclusion: “Much has in recent years been made of Russia's new capabilities and the impact they might have on the ability of NATO member states to reinforce or defend the vulnerable Baltic states in case of crisis or war. On closer inspection, however, Russia's capabilities are not quite as daunting, especially if potential countermeasures are factored in. In particular, surface-to-air missile systems currently create much smaller A2/AD bubbles than is often assumed...Experiences from Syria also raise questions about the actual capabilities of such systems in combat…Anti-ship and anti-land systems pose a greater threat but, here too, countermeasures are available.” 

The Swedish report points out that:

  • Russia’s S-400 surface-to-air missile system (also in service in China) has yet to actually receive its vaunted 250-mile range 40N6 missiles. Furthermore, very long-range interceptions are only viable against large, slow aircraft (think tankers, cargo planes and AWACS radar planes) flying at high altitude. ‘Pushing back’ vital support planes is still useful, but agile war planes may only become vulnerable within a few dozen miles of a SAM site.
  • Another intimidating new technology, anti-ship ballistic missiles, has only been tested against naval targets a few times, and never in combat.
  • Short-range air defense systems like the Pantsir-S have repeatedly failed to stop U.S. cruise missile barrages and constant Israeli air strikes.
  • A2AD systems can’t see as far as they can shoot: A 40N6 missile (when and if it enters service) may threaten aircraft up to 250 miles (463 Km) away, and a DF-21D may be able to sink a carrier a thousand mile (1.852 Km) away. However, neither missile batteries’ organic fire control radars can realistically acquire targets that far over the horizon due to the curvature of the Earth. Both would need to cue targeting data by networking with remote AWACS radar and maritime patrol planes, UAVs, surveillance satellites, and distant land and sea-based radars.

Taking the analysts’ conclusion together, one can arrive at a more nuanced understanding of the challenges posed by anti-access weapons. Undeniably, A2/AD weapons can threaten large areas and will likely shape operations in the regions where they are present. However, they cannot “shut down” access to a region by themselves, and their threat can be mitigated through appropriate planning using existing technologies and tactics.

martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Análisis técnico del AGM-158C

Siguiendo la hoja de ruta del proyecto OASuW (Offensive Anti Surface Weapon) la US Navy ha puesto ya en producción un misil antibuque de última generación, creado en base a una modificación del AGM-158B, misil de crucero sigiloso y altamente preciso desarrollado por Lockheed Martin, que vuela hacia su objetivo casi rozando la superficie, pudiendo alcanzar objetivos ubicados a una distancia de hasta 997 kilómetros.

Lockheed Martin ha seguido adelante con el desarrollo, y el resultado ha sido el misil AGM-158C, reconocido por la US Navy como un misil antibuque de largo alcance, técnicamente un LRASM (Long Range Anti-Ship Missile). Este nuevo desarrollo de Lockheed incorpora un sistema de navegación basado en GPS inercial, está propulsado por un motor F107 de alta eficiencia, y va armado con una ojiva de 453 Kg., del tipo penetración / fragmentación.

Dado que se trata de un misil pensado para destruir buques a larga distancia y éstos son objetivos móviles, Lockheed lo ha dotado de un sistema de guía basado en Inteligencia Artificial, que permiten al misil buscar, identificar y clasificar de forma autónoma cada blanco potencial, pudiendo distinguir entre buques amigos, buques enemigos civiles, buques de guerra enemigos de baja prioridad, y buques de guerra enemigos de alta prioridad. Esto no quiere decir que sea un misil concebido para llevar a cabo misiones de forma autónoma prescindiendo de las decisiones humanas, sino todo lo contrario: El misil se lanza siempre contra un objetivo designado por humanos, comunicándose en todo momento con humanos gracias a un enlace de datos bidireccional. Ahora bien, en caso de que se interrumpa el enlace de datos, el misil pone en marcha el sistema autónomo que le permitirá seguir viajando hacia su objetivo, maniobrar alrededor de naves neutrales u hostiles que se interpongan en su camino.

En cuanto a la orientación del misil hacia su objetivo, no se basa en un sistema de radar, sino todo lo contrario: en lugar de exponerse utilizando su propio radar para buscar un objetivo, el misil se guía por un buscador RFS (Radio Frequency Signals) que capta las señales emitidas por el radar del buque enemigo, orientando el misil hacia él. Pero ya en la etapa terminal, el misil desciende hasta rozar la superficie marina, y entrega el control de orientación a un sensor infrarrojo que ofrece suficiente fidelidad para apuntar a ubicaciones específicas del buque a fin de poder causar el máximo daño. Por lo demás, tan sólo queda añadir que, para asegurar el hundimiento de todo tipo de buques con independencia de su tamaño, el sistema de Inteligencia Artificial de este nuevo misil posibilita lanzar varios misiles a un mismo blanco, y que éstos se comuniquen entre ellos para llevar a cabo un ataque de enjambre simultáneo que provoque múltiples daños, abocando al buque a una situación irremediable.