miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

Space Force report on acquisition reforms awaiting final reviews

A report due to Congress on March 31 recommending changes to the acquisition process and organization for Space Force programs has been completed and awaits final reviews by senior leaders before it goes to Capitol HillAir Force Secretary Barbara Barrett is expected to sign off on the report this week.

The commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center Lt. Gen. John Thompson told last week that the acquisition recommendations are in line with the idea that space procurement programs have to be leaner and more agile: “I think it’s a bold report,” said Thompson. “I think many people across the defense industrial base and stakeholders will be very happy with this report.”

The 2020 National Defense Authorization Act directs the secretary of the Air Force to nominate an assistant secretary for space acquisition and integration to oversee all space acquisitions. Implementing this language would require the Air Force to break up the office of Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition Will Roper and create a co-equal separate office to oversee space programs. Roper has argued that it makes more sense to keep air and space acquisitions under a single authority because of the tight linkages between air and space programs. The issue of whether there should be a single acquisition executive for the Department of the Air Force or separate acquisition executives for air and space remains a sticking point in the reorganization, according to multiple sources.

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